365 - 2 - 1

I've decided to start another 365 project.  One picture per day for a whole year.  I did my first one a few years ago and I strongly believe there is no better way to challenge yourself in learning photography. 

For this 365 I'll be doing my best to focus on portraits.  If you're local to me and interested in getting your portrait done let me know!  It can help me complete my project and it can help you by having a cool picture of yourself that isn't a selfie (even though selfies aren't that bad if you ask me).  Seriously though if you need a new picture for LinkedIn or Twitter or anything really I can help!

I'm kicking it off with a self portrait, because as long as you're not holding the camera, it's not technically a "selfie".  See you in a year.

365 - 2 - 1

365 - 2 - 1

365 - 2 - 2


Palmar, Panama