The Technology of Minority Report is Closer Than You Think

Remember that scene is Minority Report where Tom Cruise is walking through a mall and all stores are scanning his eyes and sending him personalized ads directly to him?  Well the basic form of that technology is already here.  It's being used in many applications right now, the number one being in other countries where people need to be ID'd but don't have any form of identification card. 

Russell Brandom reporting for The Verge:

Outside of the West, it's already there.  Hundreds of millions of Indians have already been iris-printed, along with thousands of Iraqi civilians and anyone who goes through customs regularly in Dubai. It's the gold standard of a modern ID program, easier than fingerprinting and more stable than facial recognition.

I'd be willing to guess commercial use isn't too far off.  

Think you'll have your retina image added to a database in your lifetime?  I think for people in my age group it is a pretty big possibility.  


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