"Thanksgiving" in Måløy, Norway

Here I am in Norway on Thanksgiving day.  Obviously Europe does not celebrate Thanksgiving as it is an American holiday, yet I've had a nice amount of hello's and happy holidays from across the pond (thanks to those who said hi).  I thought I might feel a bit down not being able to experience any holiday cheer on this day for the first time in I think forever, but quite the contrary.  This week is when Norway and many parts of Europe start to begin the celebration of Christmas; perfect timing!  There was a nice little gathering in the town I'm visiting to kick off the holiday season.  

The streets has some great christmas lighting.


A simple and classic tree near the center of town.


I was given some (virgin) gloeg (gløgg) from the local scout troop, which was delicious!  Also great to chat with some Norwegian scouts about badges and other things (nerd alert!).


Even had a santa sighting.


And finally closed out the night with looking at this far city from afar.  Beautiful little town.


So never fear (Mom!), I got loads of holiday cheer today!  Hope everyone is having a great holiday and all the best from Måløy, Norway!


Monthly Monday Macro - 20


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