Flat Earthism: Navigating Its Ascension, Societal Influence, & Constructive Dialogues
In my 40 years on this earth, I have not directly met a person who believed that the earth is flat. This changed several months ago where the idea was proposed to me during a dinner conversation.

The Lost Art of Thinking
It might be weird to see a title like this one. We think all the time, often too much. Have you ever tried meditation? It can be so difficult trying not to think even for a few minutes. But, mindless thinking and not being aware of or in control of our thoughts is a topic for another day. What I’m talking about here is the idea of dedicating time in your day for the sole purpose of thinking.

Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art
I would say that I first truly started to pay attention to my breathing was when my good friend and roommate brought me to my first ever yoga class sometime around 2011 or 2012. Yoga is what led me to find awareness in my body, to literally seeing myself about to enter a fit of road rage and deciding I didn’t need to get mad about someone cutting me off in traffic; something I’ll never forget. From yoga I found meditation, where I learned to use breath to go even deeper into awareness of myself and the world around me. Those years were some of the most transformational times of my life.

It’s Been a While (Again)
I haven’t checked, but I think I might have had three “It’s Been A While” posts on this blog since I started writing it in early 2012 (and before that on Tumblr I believe). I’ve written here and fell out of inspiration and come back many times, usually each time changing what I wrote about along with how I myself had changed.

Question: Why Does Our Body Breathe?
How would you answer this question? We rarely think about this because it's such an automatic process. Some basic info and a mini challenge to better notice your breath which can lead to better breathing and a healthier body.

Bob's Your Uncle
I happen to like this phrase which gets its origins from the UK. If you're not familiar, it is used to describe something that would be a simple set of instructions such as:
"Gather up all the ingredients, put them in a bowl, mix, and Bob's your uncle, you have cookie batter."
I was curious one day where exactly why/how the term came to be. Come to find out there isn't one explanation that has been decided upon as the one true origin. A quick search of wikipedia reveals these possible origins: