Been A While
Well hello there. It's been quite a while since I've even looked at my own website; May 4th to be exact. All summer and then some. I felt like I was forcing myself to do blog posts and it just wasn't very fun which is why I took a break. It is definitely a hard thing to maintain a website and blog in general, let alone when you really aren't sure what is important to you and what you really love.
Luckily, I've experienced a tremendous change over the last 12 months; change that has affected me deeply in body and mind. I've had many profound moments of realization and clarity that have helped me work through some struggles as well as let go of some things that were holding me back. I've got a much renewed sense of purpose and I'm so much more confident in who I am, what I believe in, and what I love.
With that I'll be overhauling my site and blog over the next few months in hopes that people visiting might actually get an idea of who I am if they find themselves here. I'll also be making an effort to post more and share thoughts on my experiences and the things I believe in and love. I'm very much looking forward to it.