Taking A Break From The Monthly Monday Macro

It's somewhat hard to believe I have been doing this every month for two whole years!  When I first started the Monthly Monday Macro it was just for fun.  I was amazed at how quickly people people got on board and wanted to play.  After only a short time, I was getting hundreds of people visiting my site each month to take a guess or take a look.  Truly awesome!  A big thanks to everyone who has joined in the fun.  

Lately I've been doing what I can lately to simplify my life so I can focus on things that are more important to me.  Unfortunately the Monthly Monday Macro is one of the things I'll be taking a break from so I can sharpen my focus.  The two year anniversary of my first post seems like the perfect time to do so.  In celebration, the person who correctly guesses today's macro will not only receive the normal prize of a high quality photo print from me collection but also a $50 Amazon gift card.  Also if you were a previous winner who has not yet received your photo, I'll be sending those out shortly as well.  

Thanks again to everyone who has participated over the years and perhaps some day I'll start this up again!

All the best,



Been A While


Monthly Monday Macro - 24