Question: Why Does Our Body Breathe?
How would you answer this question? We rarely think about this because it's such an automatic process. Some basic info and a mini challenge to better notice your breath which can lead to better breathing and a healthier body.

The Next Big Leap
Last year I took a big leap and made some major changes in my life. I left my job, moved away from the place I have lived for most of my life in search of some answers on what to do next. I have a lot of thoughts on my direction but have been reluctant to talk about it all. I'm finally going against my doubts, taking the next leap, and starting to talk about how we can heal ourselves of daily troubles and live better lives. Read on for more...

Been a While!
It's been a few months! I'm enjoying getting settled into my new home in California, reflecting on months past, and looking ahead to new things.

The Days Ahead: Suggestions On How to Help & Create Positive Change In Difficult Times
It's been a while since I've posted on the personal blog. A lot has happened since my cross country journey came to a close and whileI still plan to to tell one final tale about it all but that story will have to wait a little longer. Since the election last November so many of our country's problems has been brought to more light. People are scared and don't have a lot of hope in the uncertainty of what is to come. I've had some strong feeling about this and decided to share some suggestions on how we might be able to make change and look at the uncertaintly with a little more hope...

Updates from the Road - Day 84 - Hello Again East Coast
A short update this week as I prepare a bit longer recap with some favorite places, drives, and moments from the entire journey. I visited one of my final national parks in exploring Carlsbad Caverns and broke my record for distance traveled in one day as I made my way back to the East coast.

Updates from the Road - Day 77 - Reflections of the Southwest
Ah the Southwest! This area has turned out to be one of the my most favorite regions of the journey. There is so much to love. The culture, the climate, the landscapes, beautiful open areas, and the pungent smell of sage almost everywhere you go. As my journey begins to wind down I'll begin to reflect upon all of the many things I've experienced in the past three months. Click through for for some magic in between the magic.

Updates from the Road - Day 70 - Utah Extravaganza
A final day in Grand Canyon, a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, and a whirlwind tour of five Utah National Parks in just two days. I tell you that Arizona and Utah should be called "The land of canyons". Utah alone I could have explored for a few weeks itself. Maybe another time. Click on through for a shorter update with more pictures that usual.
Updates from the Road - Day 63 - Havasupai and Grand Canyon
The universe continues to produce. I've had some magical moments this week. I saw a psychic, took a risk, asked questions, and it all paid off. Letting go works. Doing things outside your comfort zone works. Oh right, and the GRAND CANYON! Click on through for the full story.

Updates from the Road - Day 57 - The Desert
A short update this week. I'm gushing about my first visit to a desert. Joshua Tree National Park was one of the most amazing places I've visited so far on my journey and I can't wait to visit more desert area soon. Read on for pictures and love.

Updates from the Road - Day 50 - California Love
Feels like I've been in California for quite a while (because I have). It's a big state with so much to see and I've barely seen a fraction. It's been awesome to explore, spend time remembering the city life, and spending some extra time with good friends. I'm loving this place but it's about time to move on. Read on for some memories (including my first bear sighting) from this fine state and plans for next steps.

Updates from the Road - Hiatus - Marguerite
Yes, I am still here, doing just fine, and still on the journey. I had to take a brief hiatus because of a death in the family. I'll be back on the road soon but first a short reflection on death and difficult times, and the memory of my grandmother Marguerite. Click through for some realism.